Saturday, 30 May 2009

A fridge full of vodka jelly.

So we are no baby less. It was all great fun, not to sure of the 7am wake ups and the occasional tantrums but guess its all part of the bargain?! She was adorable though and by the time she was saying ‘Amie’ I was smitten. Hopefully all this broodiness is just motherly instincts playing up, as opposed to natures way of telling me something; otherwise I would be a very rich woman and would be walking, talking, evidence representing the Christian faith.
The weather up here is gorgeous, legs and chests out everywhere! And hey, who doesn’t need an excuse to drink in the sun? It’s what us British do best.
Apart from the rug rat and the weather things are pretty normal up here. Got a grand total of two weeks left; which means one has to start pumping out some poems/ stories/ articles/ adverts etc for this wonderful thing called the work based learning portfolio. And what better inspiration is there is this world than men?!
Here we go… decided not to mention them because A. there is far more to life than them and B. it’s not the most interesting thing to write/ read about. But sometimes it’s important to rant, scream or tailgate them in your car. Sadly was not allowed to release full road rage on him (slow driver in front and didn’t get the hint) but sure it’s just for the best. It’s crazy how you do everything in your power to get someone out of your life, but a mere glance from them has you withering in your shoes and wondering where it all went wrong. Or in my case wanting to get right up his bumper and prove to him what a mistake he made. As you can tell I clearly took the higher ground when it came to this guy. But hey, it’s all a learning curve and makes us stronger in the long run. Plus it’s important to experience the idiots so we can appreciate the nice ones.
Anyway after a very crazy BBQ and what can only be described as the biggest jug of Pimms ever (we definitely got our 5 a day fruit wise!) and a little bit of excitement involing jelly and vodka, it’s finally time for bed. Hopefully get back to the usual sleep routine and will attack the work tomorrow. Night night.

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