Monday, 14 September 2009

Surrey seems to be the hardest word.

It seems that at long last summer is reaching the end and another academic year is about to begin. With less than a week to go the excitement is beginning to build. So to is the stress.
The stress is mainly resulting from the fear that very soon I will have to dive in to the loft and dig out various bits of crockery, folders and abstract dressing up gear. I use the word fear only because the current state of the loft is ridiculous and there is a strong chance I may die, or lose a limb under year’s worth of cuddly toys, books and boxes. All of which have very little meaning to me personally, I just havn’t the heart to throw anything away. You never know when a singing Care Bear may come in useful?
So once the loft has been conquered and the various items dusted, cleaned and tried on (purely to see if the fitness regime over summer has paid off) the packing will begin.
This is a very tricky process. One does not want to pack everything and move it into the hall too quickly, or the parents will feel unloved and wonder why you ever came home in the first place. But at the same time the longer you leave it, the more likely you are to forget the essentials. Good luck trying to cook without any pans. Or food.
I think the most logical way to pack is to do it gradually. Yes my friends, once again it is list writing time! If it’s on the list you won’t forget it. In fact if it’s on the list chances are you don’t really need to take the item at all, but you never know…
So am suggesting everyday you add to you increasing pile of ‘Stuff to take’. That way subtly telling everyone you’re (notice the apostrophe there) leaving presently and you have a heart.
Unless you are leaving on bad terms; in which case pack the car weeks before, empty the entire house of food and pin up a huge day by day count down on your bedroom door.
The count down begins: 121 hrs and 20 mins….

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